Our Featured Organization: Tigers For Tomorrow

Tigers For Tomorrow at Untamed Mountain is a non-profit Wild Animal Preserve and Environmental Educational Center in North Alabama. Not only is Tigers For Tomorrow home to large cats like African Lions, Mountain Lions, and Tigers, it is also home to Bears, Wolves, and over 160 other animals. This Organization was chosen to be featured by Rebearth Publications because of its selfless and unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of these native and exotic animals. Furthermore, we feel that their values of education, conservation, and preservation align with our own vision of stewardship for the earth and its inhabitants. Currently, we have raised $189.42 and growing to be donated to Tigers For Tomorrow by the first of the year. We encourage our community to learn more about this Organization by visiting their website: https://www.tigersfortomorrow.org/

***Laughing Lion Heart Available for Purchase

4'x4'/Melted Crayon on Barn wood/2017

Laughing Lion Heart Complete.jpg